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Products and Categories / Animal Protein

Fresh Meat and Frozen Foods

By operating the entire value chain and being governed by the highest animal safety and welfare standards, our meat excels in terms of its freshness, quality and flavour.

We are a reference in pig meat and beef production by offering a wide selection of fresh and frozen products.

Our fresh meat maintains its original structure, texture and appearance from its production to the consumer’s table.

As for frozen products, our meat is frozen directly at the original site, at freezing temperatures below -18°C, which slows the growth of microorganisms and enzymes that cause deterioration, thus allowing the maintenance of the freshness conditions of the meat throughout the 2-year shelf life.

By combining the knowledge of more than 100 years in the meat industry with our investment in innovation, we are recognized for our ability to develop personalized solutions, customize all cuts and create packaging solutions according to the specific needs and requirements of each client, taking into account the different distribution channels and markets.









Check out our Pork and Beef catalogues here

> Pork and beef cuts/parts (download pdf file)
> Processed Pork and Beef (download pdf file)

fresh and frozen products


The Montalva Group has integrated control of the entire value chain for swine farming, allowing us to develop a high-quality pork product variety as frozen and fresh solutions.

Our pork livestock farming consists essentially of light-meat pigs and of selected Large White x Land Race breeds and genetics. These species are slaughtered, cut and deboned at the Western Pig Slaughter Centre (CASO), a unit exclusively operated by the Montalva Group, with the highest standard of international certifications.

We also raise Bisaro Pigs, one of the oldest Swiss breeds in Portugal, known for its exceptional flavour and its tender and juicy texture. 

The Montalva Group is certified in animal welfare in pig production throughout its entire value chain. It guarantees the health and respect for animals from breeding to the production of end products, reinforcing the group’s position in developing responsible and sustainable ethical production.

Learn more about the distinctive features of our pork:

Integrated control of the entire chain (animal feed, animal production, transport, slaughter, cutting, processing);

Compliance with animal welfare throughout the entire chain – Welfair certification granted in 2022 (ongoing);

Uniformity of animals and consequent homogeneity in the finished product;

Animals coming exclusively from our slaughterhouse – freshness of the raw materials and control of the chain;

Immunocastrated animals – Guarantee of product quality and animal welfare

Technologically specialized industrial units – Slaughterhouse exclusively for swine.

Slaughtering and cutting lead time up to 24h – freshness of the meat;

Cutting and processing lead time up to 12h – freshness of the meat.

Learn more about the types of pork cuts and formats available

Pork cuts/parts

Processed Pork

fresh and frozen products


The Montalva Group has integrated control of the entire value chain for swine farming, allowing us to develop a high-quality pork product variety as frozen and fresh solutions.

Our pork livestock farming consists essentially of light-meat pigs and of selected Large White x Land Race breeds and genetics. These species are slaughtered, cut and deboned at the Western Pig Slaughter Centre (CASO), a unit exclusively operated by the Montalva Group, with the highest standard of international certifications.

We also raise Bisaro Pigs, one of the oldest Swiss breeds in Portugal, known for its exceptional flavour and its tender and juicy texture. 

The Montalva Group is certified in animal welfare in pig production throughout its entire value chain. It guarantees the health and respect for animals from breeding to the production of end products, reinforcing the group’s position in developing responsible and sustainable ethical production.

Learn more about the distinctive features of our pork:

Integrated control of the entire chain (animal feed, animal production, transport, slaughter, cutting, processing);

Compliance with animal welfare throughout the entire chain – Welfair certification granted in 2022 (ongoing);

Uniformity of animals and consequent homogeneity in the finished product;

Animals coming exclusively from our slaughterhouse – freshness of the raw materials and control of the chain;

Immunocastrated animals – Guarantee of product quality and animal welfare

Technologically specialized industrial units – Slaughterhouse exclusively for swine.

Slaughtering and cutting lead time up to 24h – freshness of the meat;

Cutting and processing lead time up to 12h – freshness of the meat.

Learn more about the types of pork cuts and formats available

Pork cuts/parts

Processed Pork

fresh and frozen products


The Montalva Group has integrated control of the entire value chain for its own cattle farming and established long-lasting partnerships with exclusively national cattle suppliers, allowing us to develop high-quality beef products, including frozen and fresh products.


Our exclusive slaughterhouse for cattle is 100% certified in animal welfare and is appropriately screened at all stages of production.

Our cattle rearing is extensive, and their fattening takes place in stables. The Santacarnes is the industrial unit for cattle slaughter.


Learn more about the distinctive features of our beef:

Established and long-lasting partnerships with exclusively national cattle suppliers;

Control of the entire chain (transport, slaughter, cutting, processing);

Certification and compliance with animal welfare standards throughout the entire chain;

Use of meat derived exclusively from the slaughter of national animals;

Uniformity of animals and consequent homogeneity in the finished product;

Technologically specialized industrial units – Slaughterhouse exclusively for cattle;

Exclusive use of maturated meat in our products and processes.

Learn more about beef cut types and formats available.

– Beef cuts/parts

– Processed Beef

fresh and frozen products


The Montalva Group has integrated control of the entire value chain for its own cattle farming and established long-lasting partnerships with exclusively national cattle suppliers, allowing us to develop high-quality beef products, including frozen and fresh products.


Our exclusive slaughterhouse for cattle is 100% certified in animal welfare and is appropriately screened at all stages of production.

Our cattle rearing is extensive, and their fattening takes place in stables. The Santacarnes is the industrial unit for cattle slaughter.


Learn more about the distinctive features of our beef:

Established and long-lasting partnerships with exclusively national cattle suppliers;

Control of the entire chain (transport, slaughter, cutting, processing);

Certification and compliance with animal welfare standards throughout the entire chain;

Use of meat derived exclusively from the slaughter of national animals;

Uniformity of animals and consequent homogeneity in the finished product;

Technologically specialized industrial units – Slaughterhouse exclusively for cattle;

Exclusive use of maturated meat in our products and processes.

Learn more about beef cut types and formats available.

– Beef cuts/parts

– Processed Beef

Products and Categories / Animal Protein

Processed Meat

The Montalva Group is a reference in the food industry and a leader in the delicatessen and groceries categories, combining its ancestral expertise with innovative production methods. It develops and processes animal protein products such as ham, sausages, cured ham, and cured and smoked meat, serving the most demanding palates, with a deep respect for the traditional Portuguese delicatessen and ensuring a unique freshness, flavour and quality.

We develop customized solutions and create packaging solutions according to the specific needs and requirements of every customer, taking into account the different distribution channels and markets. 

cured ham


Smoked and cured meat


cooked ham




Check out our Processed Meat catalogues here

> Damatta (download pdf file)



Our sausages are available in diverse formats and flavours, corresponding to different moments of consumption. 



We offer a wide selection of pork and poultry sausages, with a wide range of recipes, such as the traditional Frankfurt, Bockwurst, Hot Dog, and Cocktail, recipes with reduced amounts of salt, fat and calories and high protein content.

Our sausages are packed in cans, jars or vacuum packaging. 



Checkout our sausage selection here:

– Sausages 

Processed Meat

cured ham

The Montalva Group features an exclusive and carefully selected collection of the best national cured ham. Our secret lies in the environmental and climatic characteristics of Mação village. With a microclimate favourable to the production and drying of the cured ham, this village presents ideal luminosity, temperature and humidity conditions throughout the traditional production process of the cured ham.

For the most demanding palates, we also have an exclusive selection of cured ham derived from Bisaro pigs, a unique and genuinely Portuguese breed crossbred with Large White and Land Race pigs.

With several curing times, our selection is available in different formats, from whole pig’s paw to slices, and various types of packaging, such as packs, modified atmosphere and vacuum packaging.

Checkout our cured ham selection here:

– cured ham

Learn more about the distinctive characteristics of our cured ham production:

Our raw materials: 

For our animal production, we use animals of the same genetics, females or immunocastrated males.

We ensure the freshness of the meat.

We select the best legs in our slaughterhouse ensuring their homogeneity at every stage. 

Our location 

The environmental and climatic conditions specific to Manção village, namely temperature, humidity, speed and wind direction, are factors with considerable influence and determinants in the traditional process of cured ham production. This microclimate promotes the production and drying of cured cured ham. 

We respect the process and all the ideal stages and timings for producing a good cured ham

  1. Reception
  2. Preparation
  3. Salting 
  4. Rinsing 
  5. Post-salting or resting
  6. Drying and maturation
  7. Natural curing, ageing or ripening. 

We bring together the state-of-the-art equipment with the highest standards of food safety

Processed Meat

Smoked and cured meat

At the Montalva Group, we combine ancestral expertise with the most innovative production methods. By observing the time and the production process, and privileging the customs and traditional processes of drying and smoking our products. On the one hand, the technology and tradition, on the other, together with ancestral knowledge, distinguish our cured and smoked products from the others.


Our selection of smoked and cured meats offers a comprehensive range of products. We offer everything from Alentejo chorizo, Beiro chorizo, Transmontana chorizo, spicy chorizo, tapas, sausage, moira, farinheira, morcela, salpicão, salami, lonzo, among other flavourful options. 

Our smoked and cured product packages range from Flowpack, ATM, Skin and Eco-skin. We work to ensure the preservation of products through our practical and environmentally friendly packaging.


Checkout our smoked and cured selection here:

Processed Meat

cooked ham

We produce and sell pork cooked ham from our livestock, composed of 100% Portuguese meat, while poultry cooked ham (chicken and turkey) is derived from a carefully selected protein provided by our partners. Our cooked ham is available in a single-piece or self-service format.

The self-service solutions have enormous versatility with the possibility of products being presented in different formats (round, square and half-moon, cubes), packaging types (ATM-modified atmosphere, eco skin, with 70% less plastic vacuum), and slice thickness (thin and classic).

We have a wide variety of solutions that meet different consumption needs, such as solutions developed from 100% Portuguese meat, solutions with reduced amounts of salt and fat, traditionally smoked meat using the wood oven, and other convenient, flavourful and nutritious solutions.


Checkout our cooked ham selection here:

– Pig cooked ham

– Poultry cooked ham